This seems to be a “hot button” topic these days. Some prominent Christian leaders have weighed
At the very real risk of over simplifying the issue, may I point out something that seems pretty obvious to me? As monotheists we believe in one God. That means that there is only one God to worship. There is no competition between rival deities. There is only confusion among worshipers.
As Christians we believe that the ultimate revelation of the one true God is found in Jesus Christ, God in the flesh. Jesus is the Word made flesh (John 1). Jesus is the Word of God. "Jesus is what God has to say." (Brian Zahnd)
Tragically, some Muslims are far from the God revealed in Jesus Christ. They resort to violence, intimidation, fear and hatred to further their cause. Tragically, some who use the name “Christian” are very far from the God revealed in Jesus Christ. They resort to violence, intimidation, fear and hatred to further their cause.
Neither of these groups are worshiping the one true God revealed in Jesus. Ironically, both groups are worshiping the same false god, the god of violence, intimidation, fear and hatred.
Some Muslims seem very close to the God revealed in Jesus Christ; like the Kenyan Muslims who protected a group of Christians from Islamist militants. And some Christians seem very close to the God revealed in Jesus Christ; like the ones responding to Ed Stetzer's call to love and care for refugees. Sadly, some still miss the heart of Jesus.
The gospel writer Mark records a conversation that Jesus had with a very religious man. He agreed with Jesus’ teaching that the greatest commandment is to love God and neighbor. Then Jesus said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” (See Mark 12:28-34)
Perhaps Jesus would say the same thing to the Kenyan Muslims. And perhaps he would say the same thing to some Christians. This Christmas may we all move closer to the heart of Jesus.