Friday, August 17, 2012

Thinking about Bill Maher's Faith

Awhile back I watched Larry King interview Bill Maher, a really funny comedian and very controversial commentator.  I can’t help but like Bill. Although I disagree with most of what he says, I admire his passion. When you listen to Bill Maher you never walk away wondering where he stands.  He’s like the atheist version of the Apostle Paul.

During this particular interview he told Larry King about a documentary film he produced called Religilous (a combination of the words “religious” and “ridiculous”).  I can’t really comment on the film because I haven’t seen it.  From what I understand, it has stimulated some discussion; maybe even influenced the spirituality of some people.

According to Maher, the film is designed to show how ridiculous it is for people to practice religion or have “faith.”  But here’s the obvious irony; Bill Maher is a person of faith.  He is a religious person.  He simply follows a different religion than I follow and he places his faith in a different belief system than mine.  Bill stakes everything on the belief that there is no God.  In the name of his religion (atheism) he hopes to stamp out other religions and he pursues this objective with great fervor.  All of this causes me to wonder about a couple things.

1.      I wonder why Bill so desperately seeks the “demise” (his word) of other religions.

He rightly observes that there has been (and continues to be) much violence done in the name of God.  But in all fairness, most of the major religions in the world do more good than bad in God’s name.  Christianity is a prime example.  Think of how many refugees are cared for, hungry are fed, homeless are housed and sick are healed because millions of people are living out a faith that calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

I can’t help but think that there is more to Bill’s animosity.  Maybe it comes from a bad religious experience (he was once a catholic) more than his sense of justice.  Perhaps he is trying to convince himself more than others that there is no God.  Otherwise why invest so much into the cause?  I don’t believe in unicorns but I don’t feel compelled to spend a lot of money producing a documentary designed to “prove” they don’t exist.

2.      One more thing I wonder about Bill. I wonder how he lives without hope.

With all due respect to Bill Maher, I can’t help but feel sorry for him.  Bill’s religion leads him to believe that when his time on earth is over there is nothing more.  There is no hope.  Honestly, as I watched the interview with Larry King I could hear the hopelessness in Bill’s voice.

I can’t imagine leaving this world in that frame of mind. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.  

Here’s the central message of Christianity.  There is a sovereign creator who cares deeply for his creation, including human beings.  The universe and all that is in it is not a cosmic accident.  God’s beautiful and good creation was broken and marred by the rebellion of created beings. 

Yet God is undaunted.  He has embarked on a redemption/restoration project of universal proportion.  The apostle Paul reflected this deeply held belief in a letter to some young Christians.  “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.  Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.  For in this hope we are saved.”  (Romans 8:22-23)

So God set out to rescue his creation through the life, death and miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ, God incarnate.  “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.”  (1st John 2:2)  He is the one who resurrects a dead and broken world. 

In the last book of the Bible the final scene begins to unfold.  John sees the new heaven and the new earth.  He sees the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven.  Then he says, “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them.  They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.  He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’  He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’”  (Revelation 21:1-5)

We’re invited to embrace, to live into, this story.  This is the story of rescue, of redemption, of re-creation.  It resonates with the innate, intuitive need that humans feel for forgiveness and healing.  I believe we feel the need because the need is real.   

With all due respect to Bill Maher and others who believe and share a different story, I have chosen this one; Jesus Christ, the hope of the world!

One final note; as always I'm happy to interact with other people who have different opinions.  I promise to listen and respond respectfully.

1 comment:

  1. Religion is ridiculous. Claims that Christianity isnt a religion but a relationship is also ridiculous.... if it is so, you wouldn't need a bible.

    I've seen the movie and he begins by telling his story and why he's against religion. He asks logical questions to priests, rabbi, ect and they cant answer simple questions without saying "because the bible says so or you have to take it by faith." He says in the documentary, sitting with his mother - they dont know.

    He speaks to people about things that have no evidence yet are accepted as truth... for no good reason but what a book says. He does laugh at some of the things said by the followers... and when you hear them said- they sound silly.

    People have a problem with non-christians when they know their bible better than they do. It happens to me all the time. Just watch the movie, and see how he interacts with the people. He appreciates them, even asks them to pray for him in one scene.

    He aims to expose how religion, especially Christianity is used to control and harm the population. If we taxed the Catholic church alone, we'd save 2.5 Billion dollars a year towards our national debt. You only have to look at the vatican to see how wealthy the church is.

    He talks to evangelists, even a very wealthy evangelist.. who doesn't even know bible verses, who justifies his lifestyle by saying jesus dressed nice... its a joke. Watch the movie and see what the documentary is really about vs what christian media says hes saying.

    BTW its on Netflix.
